

I've started to think that there's a secret this this parenting business that I haven't been told. It probably something like Hermione's time turner and if I'm honest I am really mad that McGonagle hasn't given me one too. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, I deserve one. I'm also exhausted.
And I feel a bit guilty because I'm sure I'm missing a trick here and the kids are paying the price from my inability to see the obvious.
Because I mean, how do you hoover the house, cook the food and clean their bedrooms when they're asleep? My children get woken up by the washing machine sometimes and God forbid I try and sneak into their rooms to put something away after bedtime.
I spend a lot of my time cleaning, and when I'm not cleaning I'm cooking, and when I'm not cooking I'm fixing an original 90's Power Ranger who's leg has fallen off during battle, then I'm walking the dogs and doing laundry and buying groceries and other stuff that I've forgotten that will really annoy me once I've posted this.
How do parents parent?
I feel like I spend 75% of my time being a maid/hairdresser/personal assistant/dog walker and only 25% being a parent.

I don't spend that much time playing, I read far less than I'm happy about and despite the fact that I answer about a million questions a day about Shopkins and Frozen I don't really spend much time just sitting and talking to the children.
I spend more time feeding, bathing and dressing them everyday than I do building a new bat cave or doing the craft activities that I still have delivered every week. Hey Toucan Box! Here's a question. When do you propose I spend three hours making a paper jellyfish? I admit, I know it's only supported to take about half an hour, but when you have an almost three year old who is determined to make it completely herself time runs over a little a lot.
Im mostly kidding, we actually love our Toucan Boxes and they're only of the only things we always mostly make time to do.
But still. 

I think I've fallen trap to Pinterest. You guys know I love Pinterest. And Instagram!
But Pinterest is full of parents parenting in a very parenty way.
Like magazine parents who read and craft and take professional photos all the while maintaining an organic diet cooked in a pristine kitchen which is just part of their pristine homes.
And while I'm 99% sure it's a farce I still fall for it.
I think we all do. 

I could craft until my hands fell off and read until I went blind and still not be a parenty parent in my eyes.
The children are happy, I have more than enough bruises from their invasions of my yoga mat and my the end of the day I'm exhausted because I make sure that the house is clean and the dogs are tired out and the children are fed tasty vegan treats but I also make sure we've had cuddle time, and that I've let Dylan hit me over the head as he battles me - the evil whoever I am that day in his Ninja Turtles or Star Wars gear. And that I've practiced ballet with Isla and read a story or two.

So while I'm sure I'm ok because I mean I'm pretty sure I would be less tired if I didn't do that stuff......

If any of you guys know the code to the missing link to perfect parenty parenting... Swing it my way.

Thanks in advance. 

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