

While I was away Dylan turned five.
A strange age for me because when he was a few days old I held him in my arms and tried to imagine him being anything other than the tiny dot that he was. I couldn't. And then I tried specific ages and I settled on five. And it seemed so far away, such an abstract concept that when he turned five I cried, a lot. Because we had reached this milestone and now he was officially big.

Dylan is like me, his passions change constantly. Sometimes most of the time it's hard to keep up. Power Rangers, Batman, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Ninja turtles... On a day to day basis it changes but we just about managed to settle on Power Rangers for his birthday. And we're lucky that despite developing a sudden obsession with Star Wars a week before his birthday,  the Power Rangers we still a hit.

I drew twenty separate Power Rangers logos one night. I only went slightly mad. It's what you get for refusing to buy invitations and deciding to make them yourself. I didn't even learn my lesson. I've done the same with Isla.

His birthday fell on a Tuesday and we wanted something special. And as it turns out were pretty cool parents. We pulled off a birthday surprise that I fear we'll never match - the Power Rangers picked him up from school! 


We waited until the end of the week for his party. And I promise I'll be more organised when it comes to photons Islas party. 
 But it was  Power Rangers everything! Including a big red dinosaur piƱata. Because Dinosaur Charge is the same of the game right now. Filled with Power Rangers toys and more sweets than I can wrap my head around. 

A huge Power Rangers cake that kept everyone fed for a week and beautiful weather despite the forecast of rain which meant the twenty two children could run around outside! 
I was having nightmares about that many children in our living room. 
And some more rangers. Because what's a Power Rangers party without some real life Power Rangers?


I am now super into party games! Pass the parcel was a hit. So was musical statues and musical bumps and the barrage of other games we played.  Every party from now on will have games and I will have huge amounts of fun planning them.    


  And also Amy who is one of my very best friend who happens to be Islas got other and one of my bridesmaids. And Ella who is my second flower girl! We were reunited and I am thrilled!

Go-Go-Power Rangers!


1 comment:

  1. This party looks so cute! I love the power rangers theme :) Looks like you all had a really great time :)

    Alice | Whiskey Jars Blog
