

We really have reached the home stretch now, the final two weeks (give or take a few days of course).
I'll happily admit that the next fortnight cannot go fast enough.
Yesterday I met with my OB to discuss my blackouts, we think it's most likely that baby bird is compressing nerves in my back and that causes me to blackout periodically. I'm glad it's nothing serious but again it's another thing that will be cured when I give birth which makes me ever more anxious. I don't feel especially safe in my daily life while I'm passing out all the time.

Baby bird is still head down, after being breech from sixteen weeks onwards having her head in the right place is an exciting prospect especially as she'd started to drop now. She stretches rather than kicks now changing the shape of my bump completely each time. Dylan sometimes sits and watches my stomach, stroking and patting it before saying "Goodbye Isla" and pulling my t-shirt back down.

I didn't gain any weight this week but neither my midwife or OB are concerned by this. I'm a little disappointed that I wont reach my initial weight gain goals for this pregnancy but that doesn't matter too much. What matters is that my body is still providing for little bird and that she's thriving.

This week I finished everything shopping wise, I have the playmat here and on Wednesday our new pram is being delivered. This pregnancy has gone so fast, it feels like I only ordered the pram a few weeks ago. I also put together a gift box of 'big brother' presents for Dylan. Some t-shirts, a book about being a big brother and a little wooden doctors kit. 
Despite being ready now isn't the time for Isla to come into the world, I'm supposed to be interviewed on national TV next Tuesday morning (how crazy is that?). In saying that I've had some weird and extremely painful pains over the last few days so who knows.
I can't believe we only have just over a week left to go now. I'll get my induction date on Friday (when I'm 36+1) so we'll know for sure then but whatever the outcome there really isn't long to go.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi,
    Congratulations for your pregnant!
    I´m Glory. I´m 24 years. I´m Colombian. I have read about you and how you have struggled with anorexia for about 7 years and I just want to say to you that GOD loves you, you are in HIS mind. HE knows you heart, your feelings; He know your struggles and he wants that you start to believe on HIM. GOD wants you to have a GOOD life. In the name of JESÚS you can be FREE! You just need open your heart to Him and He will take care of you.

    "For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
    My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:13-16

    I know... maybe is rare that a person who you dont know wrote like that! but I just felt in my heart to do it!


  3. You're a sexy preggy, Holly! Pregnancy worked well for you, didn' it? Do you work out? I know there are healthy workout routines for pregnant women that will keep them in good shape. Dylan is such a sweetie to his unborn baby sister. I assume Isla is like two months old now? Congrats to that! Elli @ CentennialObgynPA.com
