

Thirty six weeks! Finally. Well actually I'm thirty seven weeks tomorrow and just incredibly lazy when it comes to blogging. This pregnancy has gone so fast though, with Dylan it felt like years but this time I'm struggling to see where the past few months have gone. Did they even happen?
This week however has been riding on the back of a snail. I think that's because I FINALLY got my induction date!!! July 22nd! That's Monday. Crazy huh?
Also did I mention it's my twenty second birthday on Saturday?
I realised a few days ago that the reason I blog so little despite my sudden bout of commitment, is because my bump makes it so incredibly uncomfortable to sit anywhere with my laptop. Actually it makes it uncomfortable to sit anywhere regardless of a laptop. Or lay anywhere. Little bird is now taking up so much space in my torso that I move like I had a rod up my back. She also sticks her knees and elbows out and I suddenly have these odd angular lumps producing from my bump.

I had my final scan on Thursday, they estimate little lady is weighing in at 6lb9oz now! A whole 1lb1oz bigger than all of my pregnancy apps tell me is average and almost a pound bigger than Dylan at 37+4. Everyone tells me second babies are bigger than the first but also the second labor is faster. As start to finish my induction with Dylan was a little under eleven hours I'm feeling a little better
My scan also showed that I've gained more fluid! They still don't know what causes it as my GTT came back fine (hoorah for no diabetes!). I suppose that doesn't really matter as I only have five days to go now anyway.
And with five days to go we're all ready. All I have to do is move everything into the relevant rooms on Sunday evening when Dylan is staying at my mum's/ That's weird to think. On Sunday evening I'll kiss him goodbye as my only child and the next time I see him he'll be a big brother and I'll be a mother of two.

Over on my tumblr I've been writing a post a day to count down my last week. You could check them out here.

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