

There's this movement online, especially on Instagram. #REALRECOVERY and its full of hyper positive people, mostly girls and young women who are so utterly psyched about how absolutely wonderful and #posi recovery is that they will literally scream at you through their use of capitals, hashtags and emojis mixed in among the normal text.
Now, maybe I'm wrong (probably. But also probably not) but these people are not experiencing a real recovery. And if they are the certainly aren't documenting it online. Because I can promise you, an eating disorder sufferer faced with an entire pizza and then dessert at their kitchen table will not be utterly thrilled. I would probably cry.
And I don't understand this need to make recovery seem fun or positive or easy. It's not. It's really, really not and I don't understand this false image being projected. I understand the #recoverywin's because eating the above pizza and ice cream without throwing it back up despite the fact that it took you two hours and you cried and possibly screamed a bit is a genuine win.

But I'm sorry, recovery is crap.
It sucks. It's miserable and painful and in many instances you spend a decent about of time sinking deeper into the psychological side of your eating disorder while your body is busy healing.
Recovery isn't a fun positive journey in the slightest and I think it's irresponsible that it's being projected as one because it just makes people (me) feel like a failure because as rubbish as recovery is it's no way near as rubbish as the absolute hell of an eating disorder. So the fact that you can't get better just fuels the disorder you're trying to recover from because there's nothing like the sense of guilt that comes from feeling like a failure to become a reason to self punish.

When you're in recovery you suddenly get to eat. Hoorah. Except you've forgotten how to eat normally so eating becomes your own type of personal hell, being terrified of over eating and having no sense of perspective on portion size anyway so everything is too much. At least if you're going to keep it down. There's a good chance you'll have a few pretty horrific side effects to all that nourishing food too. Bloating being the most common. Bloating till your stomach is rock hard and distended so you could pass for eight months pregnant #realrecovery #posivibes I think not.

When you're in recovery your body uses the food you eat to heal your organs first, then muscles and bones etc. You're body rebuilds itself after you've relentlessly attempted to tear it into nothing. So you gain weight, a substantial amount, but the least important (hair aside, maybe) thing to heal is your brain. Your thoughts and emotions. So on piles the weight and the eating disorder is still there. When people say it's devastating to hear they look better, this is why. In their head they're still functioning at the same level they were -20lbs or more. Gaining weight is excruciating no matter how well you  rationalise it. And the more you gain the more you're screaming inside your head and the more you want to lose. But you're in recovery, and you know it's inevitable that you're just going to gain some more.
This tends to be the most common time for relapse, it's also the longest period of recovery. There's no telling how long it will take for the healing power of food to have a positive effect on your brain. I can tell you since my initial relapse at fifteen I've been in and out of relapses and only ever reached the glimmer of feeling ok or comfortable. It can take a long time.

Sometimes when you're in recovery you'll be put on a diet that follows the Minnie Maud approach. Part of my wants to roll my eyes so hard they'd roll down the hill into the river but the other part of me is angry because of how damaging I feel that approach is. How little it teaches portion control before discharge. Now there are absolutely other ways than eating 3000+ calories a day. And how utterly miserable it made me at first to be shovelling that volume of food down my throat. How unwell it made me to have that amount of food in my body. And how after discharge I genuinely couldn't stop eating that amount of food because no one taught me sodding portion control and within a few months I was using the tips I'd learnt in treatment to purge. Wow. Such a #superposi #realrecovery

Except these things. They are the reality of recovery. The guilt and misery and down right physical pain. Recovery is miserable.
But it's essential.

For me positivity isn't worth a single thing during recovery. Part of me is a pessimist with a been there done that attitude because this is the umpteenth time I've been round this crappy roundabout.
But honestly what pushes me is the reality of my situation as it stands.

Recovery is shit. I hate it. I end up angry and resenting everything because I don't want to do it and I turn into a petulant child faced with something they don't like.
But it makes me miserable, I stop enjoying food and obsess over the ins and outs and ups and downs. The scale is tantamount to the guillotine every morning and despite the fact that weight gain is my aim, if I do gain I can easily end up in tears. Again.
I get so bloated it's painful, I get sharp stabbing pains in my lower stomach like everything is stretched so tight I'm going to break.
I suddenly experience thoughts and feelings that I'm truly ashamed of, I feel like if I recover I'll be a failure of an anorexic. As if that is a bad thing. As if I want to be unwell or the best anorexic there is. Unable to recover.
I hate how I look, I hate my clothes fitting differently and my dysmohia that had been relative stable runs wild and I start completely imagining things on top of my inability to see a realistic image of myself.
I feel guilty every time I eat.
I feel guilty every time I inevitably slip up and have a lapse.
I hate myself with more intensity than I ever do in relapse because recovery is difficult and painful and directly challenges everything you feel you know about yourself. And even if you can see yourself without an eating disorder, you just start hating yourself for throwing everything away and falling into this horrific trap.

But some how the alternative is worse.
Eating disorders are painful. Throwing up until your insides burn and your skin is cracking really hurts.
Laxatives really hurt, I remember the first time I took the, I genuinely thought I might die.
Losing all your friends and family because you can't see them because socialising involves food or spontaneity or energy that you just don't have.
Feeding rules are painful. As are IV fluids getting pumped into you at triple speed making you puff up like the Michelin man and you arm sting until it finally goes dead.
Being unreliable at work and school and the constant fear that you'll lose your job and be unable to pay your rent.
The terror that you'll rub off on your younger siblings or your children and the crushing guilt because you can't recover for them and you love them to the ends of existence.
Taking your children to the beach and not being able to eat an ice cream with them, or any of the food you've laid out for their birthday party.
Having your kidneys shut down is pretty painful.
So are stomach ulcers.
And when your hair starts to fall out it can make you want to die. And while that's a massive over reaction, by this point you've lost your ability to be rational so the reaction is completely real and harsh.
Realising that your boyfriend is vaguely repulsed by your body sucks. Especially if you're neurotic and anxious and feel utterly worthless. Because if you don't understand why he's with you in the first place then realising how unattractive you are becomes hell every time you're not together.
And then I would assume death kind of sucks. And a death of an eating disorder is bound to be just as dramatic and painful as the disorder itself.

I'm writing and more of this is flowing out than I expected. So I'm going to stop that there because I've more than made my point.
Recovery is crap and horrible and sometimes kind of traumatic but it's essential. The alternative is endless suffering and guilt until you die. Hurting everyone you love in the process and then leaving them to pick up the pieces.
You don't tragically fade into nothing and then cease to exist like the romanticised idea pro-eating disorder people seem to promote. It's loud and angry and desperately sad. And everyone will be hurting alongside you although they won't feel the extreme amounts of physical pain.
So you have to recover because the only other option is death.
And in the irrational misery of an eating disorder death seems like a decent option, but dying of an eating disorder is just prolonging and extending the pain that is making you want to die in the first place.
So you decide to give recovery a shot. And it's just as hellish if not more so.

So I don't understand these people, these little communities of #realrecovery that isn't really real because they're all bloody grinning so hard their eyes might pop out at the thought of a bowl of macaroni cheese.
The only positive I find in recovery is that you probably won't die anymore. Oh and the occasional trip to Pizza Express with people I love washed down with a glass (or bottle) of wine. But I mean, I did that while I was in not recovery so I'm not sure how much that counts.

I just wish people were honest. I wish people weren't demonised for hating weight gain or having to eat. Because it's all part of an illness that they're still suffering from. Making me feel guilty for hating my body or being unable to be positive. Not being in some sort of warped #realrecovery just makes me feel even more rubbish. And I should be allowed to say that because whoever decided that recovery was a great, fulfilling experience probably hasn't ever had to recover from an eating disorder.

Or possibly a little drunk. Although even when I'm a bit drunk I still think it's shit.

I've realised recently that I actively avoid saying I'm in recovery even though I could never do anything other than strive for health and stability now my general mental health is more under control. Of course I'm in recovery.
But I hate saying it, and not because of the best anorexic thing I mentioned above. I hate it because I think it's shit. And hard. And definitely not #superposi.
In short, recovery is absolute pants because it makes my pants not fit and that makes me hate myself. But seeing as a coffin doesn't care whether my pants fit or not I have to keep fighting. 


And that is a #REALRECOVERY


  1. Thank you so much for this, and good luck on your journey!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is ok if other ppls journey thru recovery does not match up with ur own... u admit urself to still being a sufferer so perhaps this part of recovery hasnt been something u hav experienced but no need to nock other ppls positivity surely they r entitled to recover as they see fit without ppl implying they r being fake?

    as a recovered ED sufferer (10+ yrs and hospitalised )I would like to share that I had a pizza yesterday on the beach which was so delicious and frequently eat cake desert etc and feel happy about the fact I can now do this...so pls dont feel it it is impossible for u to fully recover in this way too...it is true for me anyway. and seems a tad irresponsible to imply that ALL sufferers will feel th way u do...it makes ppl give up on recovery so it is quite a damaging voice when heard from vulnerable ears.

    recovery is difficult and at times depressing but recovery is indeed that ' a process of recovery so some people actually do feel upbeat about the fact that in future given time , love and help from family they will b getting better and feeling better themself...many ppl realise moping and saying oh recovery is crap is not helping themself at all..or even accepting recovery as a real process they believe in.

    people coming to blogs like this r not helping their own recovery at all by imersing themself in trigger images and ppl who help justify their views.... surrounding urself by ppl who have positive mental attitudes towards food and lifestyle and self empowerment r really key to recovery and spoon feeding vulnerable ppl info such as 'recovery isnt a positive journey' is not the sort of comment u will get from someone with a healthy mental attitude who is in a place to offer actual help to vulnerable others....


  4. in order to help others get better u rly need to have actually come out the otherside of an ED properly ... not just b claiming to hav recovered.

    feeling like a failure is a normal part of recovering for many... but not all... just because something upsets u doesnt make it wrong or misinformative... perhaps it is just a sign that u r not quite there yet and feel saddened by the knoledge/realisation of this.... perhaps a teensy pinch of jealousy for some plays a part in feeling the positive recovery is a myth or lie.
    if u feel the need to punish urself for failure this is still ur ED or MHD grasping its claws into u... as someone who is recovered from ED and drug abuse problems I can tell u whole heartedly that failure rly helps u to grow, and acceptance that failure is ok is a part of human life which we all need to master particularly if we r around young ppl and advising young ppl.... as this is such a common cause of anxiety and depression in young ppl (feeling afraid to b a failure and therefor shutting urself off to options).

    Don't kick urself down into the dirt for not knowing how to eat healthily... welcome to being an adult in the UK...this is not specifically something felt by ED sufferers! if u surround ur self with ppl who have a totally healthy attitude towards food u will also hear them say oh gawd I dnt know what calories r in this or I dnt know if i shud rly eat this or oop i prob shudnt hav had that cola as i feel bloated to the point of sickness.... this is just life unless ur a diet guru who never eats anything pre prepared or that comes from a candy shop... the thing is it FEELS worse to sum1 recovering from ED because it is so alien to just b ok with feeling bloated ... it feels alien to admit u dont know everything about what u r putting in/doing to ur body because u r 2 used to trying to control food and body as ur main priority... ur main priority as a recovering ED sufferer shud b living and life and acceptance that u r NOT needing to hav this level of control in order to b happy.

  5. The issues with accepting compliments from ppl saying u look better due to gaining weight is something that a councilor can help greatly with but not something fellow ED sufferers can help with, an interesting thing for this can be to look at other celebrated peoples bodies (athletes/actresses/designers/ artists/ even chefs or other happy succesful professionals..whoever u can relate well to) this can help u normalise the fact that they r not all as skinny and gaunt as u wanted to b while in the depth of ED but actually they dont look fat either..they look happy and confident to b themselves.
    as u acknoledge it is possible to 'relapse' and still want to recover... but the issue most ppl have (alcholics and drug dependant r the same ) is accepting that a relapse in mindset or actions is not something to beat urself up for but like i said above... it is a chance to look at that 'failure' and grow from it : did it make u feel better knowing u relapsed?...usually not, did it help u reach ur goals? not likely, did it cause ur loved ones distress? yes almost certainly... these r all things u need to take on board and accept as someone on th recovery process... dont just assume u will b miserable evrytime u fall into an old habit... learn acceptance of failure and recovery becomes a lot mor of a positive place... ED sufferers r the queens of knocking themselves down and punishing themselves.. it is not nesseasarily a part of recovery..it is a trait u need to recover from....

    It is easy to knock health professionals for the often extreme seeming treatment approaches and resent them for making u feel so full and sick and not teaching portion control... but essentially they r trying to stop u dying for urs and ur loved 1s sake... they as healthy adults realise that u wont actually die from feeling full and having been fed.... quite the opposite and they need u to realise that too... they need u to realise that as an extreme ED sufferer u need to see that eating 3000+ calories isnt going to damage u if u truly want to recover..it is what u need in order for ur body to repair itself and also allow u enough energy to feel awake and motivated throughout the day...it may not b what u like...but ask anyone who recovered from addiction of any kind whether their rehabilitation was what they lied...no ..what they liked was drink/drugs/self harm etc.... but if the drs just gave into that then u wudnt b recovering anymore. as for not knowing about portion control... as an adult it is very easy to google info about this and find out how much an adult female needs to consume of each food group each day to perform properly... and every ED sufferer iv known myself included already is predisposed to focusing on what we r consuming each day... u cant really expect the drs and nurses to sit u down like a child with an exercise book and actually make u act like a grown up and learn how to take control of ur own life..the point is their helping ppl get better who need to want that themself as well. taking responsibility for learning about nutrition is something all grown ups go through at some point it is normal to feel lost at times that is not a symptom specifically of ED sufferer...ask anyone who went to uni and ate like crap for 2-3 yrs before taking resonsibility for their actions upon getting their own kitchen and desire to b healthy.

  6. recovery is different for everyone but it is not essential for it to b miserable, once u accept u want to recover and have ppl to recover for (including urself) it is a positive step...whether it is hard is just like earning any new skill....something being hard doesnt mean it is automatically horrible.

    for many vulnerable people positivity is crucial/everything to recovery, accepting optimism and realising ur pessamistic side is attatched to ur self hating side is really really vital in everyones life especially ED sufferers... so don't knock those ppl with a positive outlook...at least they r trying to turn away from the darkness into the light.

    "Recovery is shit. I hate it. I end up angry and resenting everything because I don't want to do it and I turn into a petulant child faced with something they don't like." hmmm well i guess u kinda analysed urself on that point, its not rational behaviour or mindset u r talking about here ..it is the selfish childish part of the brain u have been allowing to rule u throughout ur ED talking there isnt it so I guess u already see that saying recovery is shit etc makes u sound somewhat like a child being made to clean their room against their wishes.

    giving in and moaning about how it hurts to eat is so silly because an ex ED sufferer i know the pain i was in thru NOT eating or thru making myself sick..... i cud not lie comfortably in a bathtub bcz my bones poked out and rubbed this i was fine with, my empty stomach canabalising itself..yup i was fine with that pain to because it was all part of what i was aiming for being in control and skinny... it is like how a smoker puts up with not having as much cash or waking up coughing every morning for the sake of being a smoker and wanting to smoke.... once u no longer want to smoke then u realise u wer crazy putting urself thru coughing fits each morning ...just becaus eu wanted to b a smoker.... it is the same as ED recovery ..yes it can b painful but no more painful than starving urself and u wer willing to accept that as part of your previous goals as an ED sufferer.

  7. hating yourself in recovery is similar to not knowing who u r or who u want to be, I abused drugs from age 13 to 29 so my entire identity and friends i had made relied on me being a drug user...i literally didnt know who i was or who i wud want as a friend or why i wud want them as my friends because for so many years it had all related to drugs... it is part of recovery realising it is what u want to actually b a different person..... u may feel like u r hating urself... but rnt u hating the imature ED persona and not ur real adult self..the 1 without the ED... u just need to find who she is..what she likes..... what her motivation is.

    oh and a side note again i dnt think it is a specific trait of ED sufferer to wake up some days and think oh god i look awful...get me to the gym... this is just life for pretty much all human ppl... everyone looks crap at times and dont like what they see in th mirror but its ok to feel like that..its not a relapse..its normality for most ppl to feel like that from time to time.... so u feel u look crap and ur clothes dnt fit... go get a make over and some clothes that do fit (u dnt need to b rich..mac does make over s for free and all my clothes r from thrift stores etc i got designer jeans for £3 the other day!) this will give u such a boost and wearing something which does fit or getting a haircut will giv u that feeling wen u wal down the street with ur head up thining yes i know i look cool today. Investing in yourself in a positive way helps u feel that others ought to as well rather than feel like hiding in th shadows wv ur baggy shirt and hat pulled down to hide ur un done hair style or whatever whilst u scuttle about trying to live ur life un noticed.

    "The only positive I find in recovery is that you probably won't die anymore. Oh and the occasional trip to Pizza Express with people I love washed down with a glass (or bottle) of wine. But I mean, I did that while I was in not recovery so I'm not sure how much that counts."

    NO the positive in recovery is there you just havent accepted recovery yet if u r so blinded by all ur old thoughts and fears that u cant accept the positives and insist on blowing out other peoples candles instead of lighting ur own.
    if ur concerns still lie with whether boys find ur ill skeletal body repulsive instead of giving a fuck about yourself and your life and your loved ones lives and the impression you r making to the young ppl around u then no u r not recovering u r kidding urself... if u r with sum1 and u dnt understand why they love u...u r torturing them as well and they prob feel a great deal of responsibility for u which they really dont deserve to b shouldered with... my ex boyfriend stayed with me for years due to fear i wud kill myself if i took the blow of being dumped by him. i was ruining my own life and many other peoples too but i cannot stand there and preach that people who feel positively about recovery r faking and lying ..... that is so utterly selfish and unkind it just sums up the short sighted view of someone who hasnt actually acceppted their desire to actually feel better or live a more normal life which is no longer ruled by ED.....

  8. "I just wish people were honest. I wish people weren't demonised for hating weight gain or having to eat. Because it's all part of an illness that they're still suffering from. Making me feel guilty for hating my body or being unable to be positive. Not being in some sort of warped #realrecovery just makes me feel even more rubbish. And I should be allowed to say that because whoever decided that recovery was a great, fulfilling experience probably hasn't ever had to recover from an eating disorder."

    not agreeing with peoples views does not give you the right to call them dishonest, it doesnt mean they r wrong and u r right...it means you see things differently, as someone who is suposedly helping ED sufferers by sharing experiences it seems irresponsible to deny these ppl their chance at a positive hopeful and different recovery experience from the ones you have experience of.

    "I've realised recently that I actively avoid saying I'm in recovery even though I could never do anything other than strive for health and stability now my general mental health is more under control. Of course I'm in recovery."

    there are many stages to recovery but accepting your own desire to recover and be better is a vital one, denying people r recovering because their approach doesnt fit our own experiences is really horrible and negative.

  9. In short, #realrecovery has nothing to do with posting semi nude pics on IG and garnering a fan base of ppl who also suffer in the way u did.... it has nothing to do with encouraging vulnerable and ill people to band together and justify each others un healthy behaviours and body obsessions/unhealthy body image, it has nothing to do with spreading trigger images to young people who almost certainly do not have the sensibility to read your blogs right thru to the end to try and uncover the 'helpful' msg u water down with typical ED sufferers thought chains and logic.... these 13-15yrs olds do u think they r able to read all thru every post u write (on ur blog ...not in ur IG comments i might add... they need to leave IG and come over here b4 they get any idea that u r even promoting recovery (or so u say) in the space of time between seeing ur 'yoga' pics and feeling self hatred for not being as skinny as u r ..?
    i mean honestly think about that question as someone who knows the denial filled mindset of an ED sufferer as well as i assume you do from this post.
    is that helpful to young vulnerable people on IG who r liking ur pics and following you public account there? because I really struggled to find any posts on your IG were your msg as someone who is suposedly against ED and pro ana propaganda is coming through as obviously as the msg of thinspiration and pro ana pin up came through... I am talking from an adults perspective but I want u to look at it from a vulnerable teenage girls with her own EDs point of view.

  10. I read your blog with interest and concern now seeing as you invited me to take a look based on you disagreeing with my comments on your (public) IG account so I would hope not to receive a load of verbal abuse from your fan club. If I do however then that is no problem for me as I know what it is like when u r suffering ur own ED and wanting to defend someone elses unhealthy behaviours thru loyalties to your illness and not throught friendship love or healthy outlook. I am most likely going to be adding more comments here as again you have basically invited me to do so by insisting that you IG account is not pro ana yet seem to be very defensive to those people who have commented on your (public) IG account that you are in fact not promoting a healthy outlook on body image but quite the opposite (I now i am not the only person who has raised that concern).
    Many people who use IG are young and impressionable and as someone who I assume would want to deter other youngsters from suffering EDs unneccesarily like we both have done - I would have thought feedback from healthy people letting you know that your account may be detrimental to other peoples mental state seeing as it is open for all with no explanation in description etc to help these young people know why u r posting these images would have been welcomed or at least taken in to consideration but from my own experience commenting my brief story on your account you basically just said i was lying and misinforming people (when in that first comment to u all i did was tell u my own story without judgement) u said u didnt understand why i had made the statement..... well suposedly it is an account aimed at helping fellow sufferers so I did not feel it inapropriate to add my own experience briefly there. I can accept that you rater ppl read ur entire blog b4 commenting or being affected by your images but as a parent and adult you need to accept that not everyone can or will do that so you do have to realise the negative impact this can cause on vulnerable people.
    and lastly if u will accuse people of talking ill informed rubbish do be prepared for them to get irate and post rebuttles like this on your blog because most people in this world are not scared of their own oppinions and self belief.... most people stand up for what they believe in and want the vulnerable people around them to be safe from further harm.

  11. This post was amazing. I will leave it at that. We need more people like you in this "community." Take care.

  12. Just seriously thank you for this. xx

  13. I am impressed. I don't think Ive met anyone who knows as much about this subject as you do. You are truly well informed and very intelligent. You wrote something that people could understand and made the subject intriguing for everyone. Really, great blog you have got here. ανακτηση δεδομενων
