

Almost a year ago (well exactly a year ago from when I started writing this post but apparently I can't write and post an entry in one day) I decided that by his birthday Dylan would be putting himself to bed.
Up until that point every night he would nurse then have a small bottle of almond milk while sitting on me to fall asleep. With a new baby fast approaching I decided that this just wouldn't work and so I gave us seventeen days to crack bedtime. 
And we did. Within a week Dylan was going to bed in his own bed with a bottle of almond milk and falling asleep without a fuss. 
This lasted for a good eight months or so until a few nights falling asleep to movies on the sofa and Harrison being around for bedtimes threw a spanner in the works. Since then he refuses to self settle. Not only that, he takes a good 5 minutes to settle with someone else in his room. Bedtimes are my least favourite time of the day these days. This new routine ensures that Isla is woken up at least twice, that we're all stressed and that Dylan doesn't go to bed time at least 9pm which leads to far less sleep than he needs and a grouchy toddler during the day.
So one again with his birthday looming I've vowed to crack bedtime. I've put my foot down, I will not go to bed with him. He can have a film on Netflix, his milk and a kids goodnight, but I will not go to bed with him.
Thus far, he's taken resettling but it's going smoothly. He's ready and able, bad habits just got in the way and aren't doing any of is any good.
Sleep training is not something I agree with but breaking bad habits is.

At the same time I've decided now is the time to tackle potty training. 
We started prior to Isla being born and we were doing well but after her arrival Dylan was adamant he needed nappies. It was generally accepted that this was just his way of expressing some anxiety about no longer being the only baby and so we went with it. But almost a year on its time for the transition.
Two days in we've had no accidents at all. And today, day three we're tackling pants. Not having instant and easy access to his potty and generally having a barrier in the way was where we faltered last time. 
Potty training is something I've always dreaded and was happy to leave it as long as I could, but having realised that Dylan was completely ready we didn't have too much of a choice.
It's a little like the blind leading the blind though as with most things when you're a parent. I don't know how Dylan will react to things and while some things come easily the next will be a nightmare.
But we have sixteen days left.
And I have full confidence in him.

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