

Before starting this blog I blogged on tumblr. In fact I still use tumblr, most of the mums my age that I know, I know through tumblr.
Last year we arranged a meet up where we met other bloggers and babes, it was an amazing day on the southbank and better than that we stayed in touch and became best buds with Amy and Ella.

This year we decided to arrange another day out. Initially it seemed like it was going to be pretty huge (over twenty kids at one point) but after life intervened it ended up being cut down to four mums, six kids and a grandma. 

We walked from the station to the park stopping off at Buckingham palace on the way for a quick wave to the queen who as it transpired, wasn't home. 
Our picnic was a big jumble of everyone's favourites and treats that we shared between us, especially the kids. As it brightened up they started to explore the park, finding big trees, spiders and clouds and we had to spend a decent amount of time putting down our cakes to chase them to round them up and bring them back to us.
We ended up in St. James's park playing on the swings and chasing (or in my case avoiding) the ducks. 
The kids had a lot of fun and so did us grown ups. It was so lovely to see them play together.

We left agreeing that we needed to arrange another meetup in the near future, and one that could hopefully involve some more of the other mums. It was a great day out for all of us and I'm so glad I got to meet the other mamas and their beautiful kids.

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