

You are a month old. How has time flown by so fast? It's a relatively small milestone in your life but for me, today, it's huge. I haven't even noticed the time passing.
      I have noticed how big you seem now. How your face has filled out and your cheeks are so full. You keep growing length wise as well, so long and lanky that you're growing out if clothes length wise before they come close to fitting you round the middle, you're so different from your brother in that respect. I find it funny that you seem so big but are yet to grow into the newborn clothes so many babies are too big for at birth. 
And you still have so much hair! I do wonder when, or possibly if it will fall out as your brothers did.

You definitely have a little personality brewing. You know exactly what you want and make sure I know too and that includes being where you want to be. I'm constantly shocked when you lift your head up off my shoulder to try and get onto your back. Not to mention when you shuffle backwards and end up stuck at the top of your Moses basket. 

Having you in our lives is so amazing. Especially the bond you're developing with your brother, although you have no idea about it yet. He adores you (although sometimes he does tell me to put you down and cuddle him instead) and can't do enough to help with you. He gives me a proper telling off if he feels you need some milk and I'm not obliging fast enough. He loves to snuggle up next to you (which gives me regular heart attacks) and even gets into your cot and turns your mobile on for you both to listen to. 
Sometimes you pull his hair as you flex your hands and learn to grasp things, I'm not sure he likes that so much and he tells you off for it, but you're always forgiven.

Your first month has been hectic, we've all had to learn and adapt to your presence and we're still learning. But it's worth every minute. 
We like you around here so I guess you can stay.

Mum x

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