

You are two weeks old tomorrow and that time has flown by. You're already changing daily, filling out and looking less like a newborn.
I posted a photo a few days ago and people commented that you already look so different. It seems to be happening so fast this time. I'm worried that I'm missing the little things with you because I'm splitting my time between you and your brother. But I know that you have something amazing that he never had. You have him.
Your big brother loves you so much. In these early days he has made sure to cuddle you and kiss you when you cry. Lay next to you and show you his toys and books and help me look after you.
His favourite thing is to have a bath with us. Twice now the three of us have climbed into the tub and he has tried to give you a beard of bubbles to match his own. 
Tomorrow you'll be weighed again and we're hoping you'll have reached or surpassed our goal of 6lbs. 
So unlike your brother you've outgrown your smallest clothes length wise already. If you carry on at this rate you'll catch him up before long. 

As I write this you're sleeping on my chest, the most peaceful of babes. You're so small that I'm yet to be able to feel your heartbeat against my chest and I can barely see your torso expand as you breath. It's astounding to me that you're here in your tiny, perfect form and that you'll grow into a child very much like your brother who is dancing just across the room. 
Looking at you it seems strange that something so small can completely change your world in the way that you have changed ours. And it blows me away that I can love you as much as I do. Loving anyone as much as your brother seemed impossible until I held you. 
And now I have you both, him with his crazy, quirky personality and you, so peaceful for now but a completely blank canvas to grow into whoever you want. 

I am so full of love. 

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