

I have two bags. One for me and one for Isla. I find it's a lot easier to have everything separated so I don’t have to search through a big bag to find a hair tie or charger while I’m irrationally angry because I'm contracting every few minutes. It’s also easier to carry two bags in the event that I go into labor on my own as I can sling one over my shoulder and carry the other or we can grab one each and be done with it. 
I pretty much followed the book when it came to packing my hospital bag for Dylan. I ended up with so much stuff I had no use for that ended up thrown in the corner of my bedroom when I got home because I couldn’t be bothered to unpack it. This time I’m packing lighter and only packing what I’ll need.


 My Bag:

My handheld hospital notes - obviously.. These aren’t actually in my bag. I have these in my handbag and take them everywhere buy when the times comes they’ll be in my bag (or hand).
Button down night shirt - to wear while I’m giving birth. It’s big and comfortable and the buttons down the front mean I can open it up to pop her on my chest for skin to skin as soon as she’s born.
Bikini - for the bath.. I don’t feel like naked bath labouring so I’m taking a bikini.
Two pairs of underwear - plain black mini briefs. One for straight after birth and another I’m case the first pair are ruined OR if I stay longer than six hours and want to change before I go home.
Two nursing bras (in different sizes) - one is a 32 C and one is a 34 C. I have different sizes because I want to wear the one that’s the most comfortable so I’ll be able to swap.
Two nursing tanks - same logic as the underwear. If I end up staying longer than six hours and want a fresh one I’ll have one on hand.
Pj shorts - for post birth sitting around and resting. I prefer shorts to trousers and it’ll be mid July so I don’t want to get too hot.
Cleanser and toner - I like feeling like my skin is fresh, especially if I’m going to have photos taken afterwards.
Hair ties
Phone charger
Old iPhone
- I’ve decided I want the Harry Potter audio books on hand and they take up so much space that I’ve put them all on my old phone.
(except I’m buying a new one before she’s born)
Not pictured - light makeup (because I wear it everyday), bottle of lucozade, snacks.

Isla's bag:

Newborn nappies (disposable)
Breast pads 
Two muslins

2 body suits (tiny baby)
Sleep suit (also going home outfit)
Belly bandit 

Not pictured: a blanket. I’ve been told that two people have wanted to buy blankets from our wishlist so I haven’t packed one yet. But I have a few plain ones on standby anyway.

 Things you’ll find on hospital bag lists that I’m not taking:

Going home clothes for myself - I’ll wear the trousers I wear when I go in and one of the nursing vests. As long as I make sure they’re comfortable trousers its fine. And extra outfit is useless.
Special socks - pointless
Cooling spray or mini fan - pointless
Pregnancy/breastfeeding pillow - pointless
Extra outfits for Isla - I decided that until we go home I only want Isla in a bodysuit and socks. The ward is warm and it’ll be the middle of summer. I want to have as much skin to skin contact with her as possible so I only intend on getting her dressed to leave.
Scratch mits

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