


Days like today, when the sun is shining and Daddy has a day off are the days when I feel like I'm making up for the time I'm losing with Dylan due to this pregnancy. Out in the sun where he can run and explore he is in his most natural state. He's happy and free and his tendency to have tantrums due to his frustration over his inability to communicate melts away.
I've noticed that while the weather has been clearer recently and we've spent more time outside his development as far as his speech is concerned has improved dramatically.
It's good for both of us, spending time in the sun and fresh air, giving him more spaced to explore and me a space to sit back and relax while I watch him learn more about the world around him.

While our garden is still a work in progress we retreat to either the park near our house or to Harrison's parents house. Dylan loves to explore their garden with all the bushes and nooks he can seek out. We also found these two adorable toadstools which I definitely have my eye on now (two toadstools, two babies....).
Visiting them also gives me the chance to let Dylan play with his grandparents while I can relax, which at thirty four weeks pregnant is a god send.
Sometimes I suspect that these last few weeks take more away from the time I spend running and playing with Dylan on an interactive level than having another baby will. I'm hoping the weather stays clear so we can spend more time outdoors together before it's time for Isla to arrive.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're on blogger now too!!

    And I can totally relate to difficulty communicating with a toddler. Johns vocabulary is non-existent and we're currently wondering if he'll ever talk.
