

We had a relatively eventful Easter period planned. Between Easter bonnet parades, theatre trips and outings to museums to see some dinosaurs the plan was to be pretty go-go-go. Until Dylan got sick. And then he got sicker and I wondered if I should haul him to the doctors office (impossible over Easter weekend by the way), then Isla got sick too. Dylan missed his last three days of school, Easter bonnet parade included (I cried internally), Isla made it through school before she was completely struck down on Good Friday.

We made it though our Saturday morning dance classes and cafe hangs which while I should probably have left to let the, rest the family time together as Harrison actually joined us this week was lovely. Not to mention special,unexpected moments that made me want to start weeping in the dance studio.


By Saturday evening I was sick. And then I realised that the children weren't sick they had the flu. Because I have the flu. (FYI - going to the theatre with the flu isn't great fun. Kinky Boots on the other hand is flawless.)
So it comes to today, Easter Sunday and we skipped the church visit we had planned and struggled up to my mums house to celebrate. I had planned to take some photos, especially as I got a little drunk on Christmas and forgot to take those photos. But today I have the flu and I just about kept my eyes open so I've forgiven myself for leaving the photos.
I did get these though. Even though they aren't well. Even though we all have the flu (not Harrison though) they have a light within them and they shine light within me.

I hope all of you who celebrate Easter had a blessed weekend of celebration and to those who don't I hope you had a wonderful weekend of enjoying whatever you choice to enjoy.

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