

I won't ever proclaim that the new year will bring a new me. I am myself, a change in the date won't change that. I believe that we should try to better ourselves regardless of the date, and yet I can't ever resist resolutions.
Much like a new chapter in a book, the turn of the year is a way for me to refocus and start a new chapter of my life.
12 new months
52 new chapters
365 blank new pages for me to fill with new memories.
I've written a page of goals in a journal, some random, some focused, some personal and some I'd like to share.

Don't isolate yourself - you deserve friendship.
Heal yourself - choose to nourish your body with foods and supplements that benefit you, choose to nourish your mind with things you enjoy, practice yoga, choose life.
Choose your battles - learn to fight for what you need and believe in and wave the white flag to those things that you do not need or harm you. You do not need to hold onto those things that harm you.
If you don't want to smile then don't - if you want to cry then cry without shame, if you need to hurt then allow it to come. It will pass.
Create - write, draw, blog. Get your tattoo, bake, have dinner parties.
Don't let inferiority or guilt control you - you are you, you cannot be someone else. Accept the choices you've made, strive to be a better version of yourself not to be someone else.
Be a mother - listen to your children, encourage them, nourish them, guide them, love them, accept that you're not always going to get it right, that you'll wish you'd done things differently and sometimes feel inferior to the things you see other parents do.
Be natural - eat as naturally as possible, recycle, walk, explore, help heal the earth in small ways.

I hope I have a happy 2014 and I hope that I spend the next year of my life making positive changes. 

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