

I meant to write more often. To track your growth and development, to show you off.

But life gets in the way.
Watching you grow and develop is far more important than writing it down, although I wish I had.
You're five months old now and those five months have been a whirlwind. You've grown so much that I look at photos of you taken just a few months ago and it shocks me.
You've just had your first Christmas and despite it going completely over your head you were very spoilt. Dylan understands Christmas now, he's been trying up explain it to you to along with so many other things.
Sometimes I catch him sitting with you talking in whispers and my heart feels so full. 
You won't remember any of these moments and neither will he. It's probable that I'll forget most of them too because there's always new memories forming with every day. But for now it's so wonderful to watch. 
I'm shocked sometimes when I realise you've been a part of our lives for almost half a year, that in no time at all you'll be crawling, then walking and talking. 
For now you're on the brink of learning everything. You're a centimeter away from rolling and sitting up by yourself, much like your brother it seems like despite being slightly late to gain some small skills you're going to figure them all out at the same time quite out of the blue. It's strange how similar you are to him in some ways.
You're interested in everything around you, your reactions to things makes smile on a daily basis, as does your smile.
My heart is so full when you smile which happens so much.
I can't imagine life without you in it, in fact it's hard to picture out home being any other way and even if I could picture it, I never would.

Love always 
Mummy x

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