

Dylan seems to relish in the freedom of exploration. He loves to walk ahead, pointing out different coloured cars, motorbikes and spotting the busses.
He touches everything, exploring and learning different textures that until recently were less accessible to him.
He'll run his hands along walls, feeling the bricks or concrete. Along the metal garage doors and the bark of trees. Then he'll turn around to tell me "rough" or "smooth".
He's learning so fast, suddenly spouting words out of nowhere when just a month ago he refused to speak. 
He's faster and jumps higher. 
His development seems to have spiked and its amazing to watch. Everyday he astounds me with what he's learning and accomplishing.
Sometimes, especially recently I have struggled with the notion of parenting, this pregnancy has been tough on me and I constantly worry that Dylan is suffering as a result. 
Maybe that's an inevitability I need to accept and move on from?
We all need to take each day as it comes and for now our days are filled with exploration anf new firsts and that's exciting.

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